Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Pictures I promised ages ago :)

So I suppose I finally should get around to posting some pictures of me here! I'll start from the beginning and work my way through 3.5 months!

Leaving Florida: Me and my little brother at the airport August 5th, 2011

West coast trip: One of the amazing sandsculptures I saw when I visited the west coast.

My birthday: Me with my birthday cake

Intro camp: A picture of me in front of ARoS museum in Århus while at intro camp

District Get- together: Me and Misaki (Japan) after we hiked Himmelbjerg!

Random: Pretty Danish sunrise

Me right before my first take off:

Viking: Me dressed as a Viking in "Roskilde Viking Skib Museet"

Roskilde kirke: Me standing in the church in Roskilde
Unpictured: below my feet are dozens of dead ancient kings, queens, and other royalty

Me and my "friend" the guard in Copenhagen (this is as close as he let me get to him):

Den Lille Havefrue: The epitome of Denmark!

Me and My new boyfriend: JOKING! He's way too old for me! (it's the bog man in Silkeborg!)

National G2G: On the train ride home after our get-together (this picture doesn't even come close to showing how tired we were)

Kolding huset: Me in the courtyard of the castle in Kolding!

Obviously I've done much more than shown in these pictures but I just thought I'd attempt to keep my word!

Much love!


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Værts familie skift!

So.... I have officially switched host families! Oh and I've gone to a Rotary weekend on Sjælland (the island where København is), gave a 20 minute presentation for my Rotary club (in full Danish!), and today I visited a castle and mall with my new host parents.

Here's what's happening:

Host family switch-
On Sunday 30. October, I switched families. I spent the weekend packing and relaxing for the most part. That day my old host mom took me to Silkeborg and we saw the Bog man (google it!), but other than that I stayed home. That night, my new host parents came and we all had some coffee and then they took me home! I was absolutely amazed to discover all of my junk I've aquired already fit into their car. The next day I unpacked (and realized how many of my clothes don't fit anymore :/ stupid Rotary fat!) and I have felt at home here ever since. My new host family (my host mom Vivian, host dad Bjarne, brother Morten, and their adorable dog Sofie!) is wonderful and I feel so comfortable with them. I already joke around with my host brother and we all agree it feels like we've known eachother a lot longer than just a few months! My host mom is a hairdresser (and she gave me the cutest haircut which I LOVE!) and my host dad is a postman. I find it hard to believe I've only lived here just shy of two weeks because I already have found a routine and feel completely comfortable with them.

Rotary presentation- på Dansk!!!!!-
On 2. November, I actually got up the courage (I still don't know how- I was scared to death about the speech!) and gave my speech to my Rotary club. Now, if you ask anyone that knows me, they'll tell you I am not a shy person and so public speaking doesn't bother me (heck I've done acting on and off for years!) but this was one of only 2 speeches I've ever given that I was afraid for (the other one being the speech I gave at my Rotary district interview just last year). The whole car ride down I sat in the back silently and for the first time since I arrived here I actually couldn't finish my meal at the meeting! It was finally my time. I stood up and within one second of facing my club, all of my nerves calmed. It was insane, but just looking at their faces I realized they were supporting me and were proud of me and so I gave my speech without fear. I may have flubbed a few words, but overall it went well and I must admit I never expected to be giving a speech in Danish, but I did it! The night turned out to be a success and I was so proud of myself!

G2G in Holbæk-
Last weekend we had a national get together weekend for all of the inbounds in Denmark in Holbæk (on Sjælland). It was from friday to Sunday and it was the craziest 3 days! It was amazing to see some of my really good friends again. I got to see my old roommate from intro camp (love ya Kelsea if you're reading this!), my oldie, the other two people from Florida, and so many other people! We spent most of the weekend doing nothing, but we did go into town for a few hours to shop (where I only bought food... hahah I'm such an exchange student!), and we were given a huge party! On Saturday night we had a huge halloween costume party (where I borrowed a friends sailor costume). That party basically lasted all night (literally I got one hour of sleep that night, well actually Sunday morning from 7-8 am) and it was crazy but so much fun! Exchange students are the best people to party with! That entire weekend was exhausting (not just because of lack of sleep but spending a weekend catching up with them was draining) but it was amazing. It was almost theraputic because you realize that you aren't the only one experiencing the things that happen on exchange. Unfortunately it was our last g2g as a group because our oldies (the people from Aussie land and the kiwis!) will be leaving in January :( As much fun as the weekend was, I was so happy to go home to my bed and be back with my host family (... and sleep!!!).

Today, my host parents and I went to Kolding (about an hour drive). We spent the morning at the giant mall there! It was fun spending time with them and just relaxing. Then we went to Kolding huset (which translates to the Kolding house), which is one of Danmarks many castles. It was so beautiful and when we climbed the tour we had a great view.

My new project:
Tomorrow will be my last day speaking english! I have decided that starting Monday I will speak ONLY DANISH 100% of the time (unless I am in English class or talking with a non-dane, since my American family and friends and fellow exchange students won't quite be able to do that! Don't worry mom and dad I will still speak english with you!) for a full month! I have already warned everyone and they are all excited (which scares me a little.... I think they'll find this way more entertaining than me. Although I have tried to speak Danish most of the time, I have slacked a little at school and figured this might give me some motivation. I am hoping to be much more fluent after 4 weeks of this!

That's about it for now. I could babble on and on about how I've changed this year so far and everything I've learned, but you would probably be bored. I will say that I have grown as a person, learned more than I knew was possible, and experienced so many wonderful things. Oh and now I can say I've been here for 3 months! I am super excited about that but sad as well since it means my exchange is that much closer to ending :( and to make that reminder even stronger, I just discovered that this weekend my District back home is holding interviews! It feels insane knowing that just last year I was in their shoes and I still can't believe it.... but enough of my tear fest of how quickly this year has gone on, I'm going to go back to living my happy (short) life here in Denmark! To everyone in America, happy Thanksgiving since it will be in just a few weeks! I love you all!
